Implant Restoration in Canal Winchester, OH

Are you in need of implant restorations? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards regaining your confident, radiant smile.

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Why Might I Need an Implant Restoration?

Implant restorations are necessary if you have lost one or more teeth from old age, physical trauma, or advanced tooth decay. You might also need restoration as a prerequisite for getting a dental bridge as is the case with implant-supported bridges. You might also need implants if your missing tooth or teeth make you self-conscious about your smile and awkward in social situations. Dental implants will replace the missing teeth for a beautiful smile to boost your confidence and improve your quality of life.

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Did you know…

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implant restorations can help improve speech and pronunciation for individuals with missing teeth?

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Call (380) 228-2770 To Schedule a Consultation

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A smile is worth 1,000 words.

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Benefits of Implant Restoration

Restores Full Chewing Functionality

The most significant benefit of dental implant restoration is that it restores full chewing functionality from its compromised state. Implants are just as strong as your natural teeth, and you can use them to enjoy your favorite meals while preserving your health, nutrition, and general well-being. However, you should avoid biting into hard objects until you fully heal from the surgery.

Long Term Solution

Dental implants also offer a permanent solution for missing teeth. Treatments like removable dentures work great, but they’re only temporary. Dental implants last upwards of 30 years and don’t require dental appointments to maintain your structural integrity. Over time, you’ll likely even forget you have implants in the first place.

Improved Oral Health

Implant restoration can also preserve your oral health. The gap caused by missing teeth creates a breeding ground for fungi and bacteria. These microbes produce acid as a by-product, which corrodes the enamel, leading to tooth decay. By filling this gap, you can protect your teeth from microbial infection and safeguard your dental health.

The Implant Restoration Process

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Evaluation and Treatment Plan

The implant restoration process starts with a comprehensive exam of your teeth and the rest of your oral cavity. The dentist will examine the extent of damage to your teeth or the tooth gap before deciding on dental implant restoration. You might need prior treatment if you have dental decay or periodontal disease. If everything checks out, the dentist will create a treatment plan to guide the procedure.

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Implant Placement and Osseointegration

On the day of the surgery, the dentist will inject lidocaine into the affected area to numb it. They’ll then make an incision on the gum tissue on the gap area and expose the jawbone. The dentist will then use a drill to drill into the jaw, before inserting a small titanium, or zirconium oxide. They’ll then send you home to allow for osseointegration. Osseointegration is the process by which the bone matter in the jaw bone fuses with the implant, becoming one. This process takes three to six months.

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Abutment and Prosthetic Teeth Placement

After osseointegration, the dentist will schedule an appointment to place the abutment. This is a connector joining the implant with a prosthetic tooth. The dentist will make an incision in the gum and connect the abutment to the implant before placing the artificial tooth on top of it. Dentists make this tooth to match your teeth’s natural color and blend with the rest of the teeth.

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Post-Treatment Care

The dentist will provide you with instructions for caring for your new implants and the rest of your teeth. They’ll also recommend painkillers to take after the procedure, should you feel any discomfort. They might also arrange for follow-up appointments to check your healing and address any underlying issues.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Risks to Getting Dental Implants?

Yes, there are risks to getting dental implants. These risks include infection, implant fracture, and other complications. You can easily sidestep these risks by settling for a qualified dentist with proper experience. The dentists at Breeze Dental are more than equipped to handle your dental implant restoration without a hitch.

Are Dental Implants Costly?

Yes, dental implants tilt towards the costly side at $3,000 to $4,500 per implant. However, these are long-term investments that could save you a bundle in future dental costs not to mention the other benefits. Most dental insurers also offer at least partial coverage for dental implants deemed medically necessary.